Grow Better with Hot Leads that Convert 8.5x Faster...

How You Can Transform Your Business With 'Hot Leads'...

SCOTT HILL, September 17, 2024

Hi, I'm Scott.

Here's the brutal truth about leads and most marketing & sales strategies and software:

They don't convert and they don't work.

According to statistics, less than 10% of your ideal consumers are interested in what you sell...right now. These are hot leads.

But, unless you get it right (generate, manage, and follow-up with these hot leads correctly), it's like you're constantly putting the cart before the horse... not to mention wasting a ton of time and money on marketing that isn't working...until now.

"What's the secret to success? It's your "Digital First Impression/Reputation that matters most. It's 14 elements that will largely determine if you get your fair share of hot leads. That's it."

- Scott Hill, Founder MarketMYCO

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Several years ago, we met Andrew. He was struggling with his marketing and sales process. He wasn't generating enough leads. He was also chasing unqualified leads, doing manual follow-ups, and his prospects were falling through the cracks.

He was wasting a lot of time too. We showed him our software, strategies, and support.

"I went from wasting time manually following up with my saving time and automating my process."

Andrew Lamb • Owner, 4 Leaf Performance

Andrew referred us to Shonah.

She was struggling to get control over her marketing and sales process. She needed a CRM/digital marketing solution that was going to work for her business so that she could stop wasting time doing tedious and manual follow-ups with leads that were, too often, falling through the cracks.

"MarketMYCO has been a game-changer for me and an actual God send."

Shonah Jefferson • Franchise Owner, Chefs for Seniors

Andrew also referred us to Jodie.

When Jodie became the Executive Director of Grant Cardone’s 10X Coaching and Mentoring program, she called me.

Their process wasn’t working either.

"We went from a system that didn't work for our business to one that does...and the support we get is fantastic."

Jodie Sacco • Executive Director, Grant Cardone Enterprises

Then, in early 2023, I met Bill Faeth. I told him about Jodie and Grant.

He immediately pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of him and Grant standing next to Grant's private plane.

Turns out they knew each other :)

Not only did he know Grant, Bill is considered among the world’s most respected experts in the short-term vacation rental industry.

Bill’s system wasn’t working either. He was also determined to find a digital marketing solution that worked for his growing community of over 31,000 short term rental investors.

We shared our software, strategies, and support with him.

"We understand what it takes to succeed...and that's why we work with MarketMYCO."

Bill Faeth • Owner, Build STR Wealth

So we partnered with Bill and created a customized all-in-one digital marketing solution for short term rental investors, owners, CoHosts, and small property managers (called MarketMYSTR). Bill shared it with Michael and the rest of his community. In just 90 days, we had over 300 paying subscribers!

"We have grown our direct bookings over 380%!"

Michael Saade • Short Term Rental Investor & CoHost

To date, we've helped almost 1,000 small business owners, like you, with 24/7 live support, strategies, and software that actually works for their businesses.

Transform your local or service-based business so you can consistently generate, manage, and convert more hot leads into paying clients…like clockwork.

'Ready to transform your business...

and get an unfair advantage...before it's too late?'

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